Marking points on the ground at actual or relative coordinates for boundaries or construction.
Applications of street and elevation studies
Construction supervision and control
Land Surveying
Complete and accurate depiction of an existing situation that includes the required work:
Urban Studies
Corrective Implementation Acts
Approval of building option before ratification of the Implementation Act
Topographic Drawing Plans
Studies of Modification of the Diagram
Restoration studies of non-buildable plots
Reconciliation and Compensation
Land Registry Studies
Ownership Distributions in a State Coordinate System (EGSA'87)
Verification of property integrity in the National Cadastre
Corrections of property data to the National Cadastre
Topographic Charts
Dependent Topographic Charts in a State Coordinate System for Transfers
Aegialos and Beach Sculpture Designs
Topographic Charts for Forest Designation
Building Permits
Studies for the issuance of a Building License
Arbitrary Use and Arrangements Arrangements (L.4014 / 2011)
163, Salaminos Avenue
Telephone: 2104654993
Mobile: 6977634149